Amãna Takaful Bags Bronze at the 2013 SLIM Brand Excellence Awards

Amãna Takaful Bags Bronze at the 2013 SLIM Brand Excellence Awards

Amãna Takaful Bags Bronze at the 2013 SLIM Brand Excellence Awards


Amãna Takaful Life took away the Bronze Award in the Turnaround Brand of the Year category, at the recently concluded SLIM Brand Excellence 2013 Awards ceremony. The theme for this year being ‘Will you be behind the next biggest brand?’ SLIM Brand Excellence is now the single most important event for both the brand and the brand custodians to measure excellence in marketing effectiveness. For the most reputable brands, the awards are considered as the ultimate test to show indisputable proof that the brand is indeed the best in Sri Lanka.


Speaking of the accolade, Mr. Reyaz Jeffrey, GM/CEO, Amãna Takaful Life, stated: “We at Amãna Takaful are very proud to have been recognized at the SLIM Brand Excellence Awards. The awards are not a recognition of a single person, rather it celebrates the contribution of every single one of our stakeholders both in Sri Lanka and overseas. This is truly an endorsement of our performance and credibility.”


As the national body of marketing, Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing has been in the forefront in proliferating marketing knowledge and uplifting the profile of marketing profession in the country. SLIM Brand Excellence is the oldest marketing awards in Sri Lanka and has undoubtedly become one of the most recognised and celebrated awards ceremonies in the country. This year SLIM Brand Excellence showcased giants in their fields, awarding each field with the most revered accolade which is to be named and recognized as one the best brands in Sri Lanka, using  stringent judging process to separate the ‘best’ from the rest. The judging criteria were on the strategies and activities used to turnaround a brand, and the significant growth the brand has achieve in volume, revenue and profitability year on year. The accolade achieved by Amãna Takaful demonstrates and recognises the capability of the insurer to tackle unprecedented challenges, while continuing to build a strong loyal workforce, delivering the best products and services to its customers.


Mr Jeffery added, “This recognition validates several measures that were under taken during the last 18 months or so. Our products were re-launched and repositioned, we introduced Prosper, an Unit linked product and overhauled many internal processes to better serve all Sri Lankans. Our Training and Development was refocused to better convey the benefits our offerings to the consumers. These were all based on well researched information across a cross section of society. Therefore, it’s pleasing to say hard work has been recognised”.


One of the few ISO certified insurance operators in Sri Lanka; Amana Takaful now operates in 22 locations in the country with plans of expanding its footprint further.  ATPLC also operates three key strategic business units that specialise in Life, General and Medical Takaful, which is unique in its approach to serve the respective developing customer segments. Amãna Takaful was also recently adjudged as the ‘Best Islamic Financial Services Provider in Sri Lanka” by International Finance Magazine based in UK, one of the most sought after on-line financial information providers, sourcing credible information, analysis and insights for the global financial community, read in over 120 countries worldwide.. The composite insurer recently paid out to its general insurance policyholders a “surplus”, which is a unique feature in the Takaful concept. Hence, ATPLC policyholders not only receive competitive terms for their policies but also receive a proportionate refund from the SURPLUS of the Risk Fund.



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